vorläufige Kosteneinschätzung – Geplanter Umfang von Leistungen – Präzisierung des Auftragsgegenstands.
Die von uns angebotenen dedizierten Produkte sind Luxusware, denn wir sind darum bemüht, mit akribischenkunsthandwerklichen Methoden und unter Anwendung von kostbaren Materialen höchste Qualität zu erzielen. Nur so sind wir imstande, ein exklusives, einzigartiges Produkt zu liefern, das seinem Inhaber das gebührende Prestige garantieren kann.
Die vorläufige Einschätzung von Kosten der bestellten Leistungen wird mit dem Fortschritt der Vereinbarungen bezüglich des Auftragsgegenstandes präzisiert.
In den Anfangsetappen der Auftragsausführung erhalten wir von Ihnen zusätzliche Angaben, die uns eine immer präzisere Bestimmung des Umfangs von Leistungen sowie eine Optimalisierung der Arbeitsmethoden hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität wie auch der Arbeits- und Materialienkosten erlauben. .

3D Panels are most expensive
Considering the false Books Supported Panels - height of the Panels
Considering the false Books Supported Panels - width of the Panels
Considering the same height of both: the Spines on Panels and the Binders & Holders

3D Panels are most expensive
3D Panels are the three dimensional Panels that are mostly expensive, in the instance of variable heights of the Spines on the Panel. However, the 3D Panels are undoubtedly the exemplary solution for the top shelves at around 100-170 cm above the ground, a must for the shelf of at least 40 cm height. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to apply convincingly, flat false Book Panels of: such high, constant dimensions of identical Book replicas. The genuine look would not be possible to achieve neither with the false Book Supported Panels of the maximum width. The grand 3D Panels definitely do the job.

Considering the false Books Supported Panels - height of the Panels
Low shelves, less than 35 cm, can be effectively and exquisitely filled, edge to edge, with the false Books Supported Panel at relatively low cost. The top shelves reaching higher than 200 cm would give the impression of being filled right to the very top anyhow, even though the Spines would be slightly lower than the shelf.

Considering the false Books Supported Panels - width of the Panels
Independently on considering the height of the Spines on the Panels, it is definitely worth noting the difference between the cost of acquiring the Panel for the full width of the shelf, and for the partial width of the shelf (half width for example). Let us take into account that the visible side of the false Book Supported Panel in this instance would be exquisitely decorated thus enriching the visual experience.

Considering the same height of both: the Spines on Panels and the Binders & Holders
Considering the same height of both: the Spines on Panels and the binders & holders simplifies the process of manufacturing significantly and reduces the cost. It is also most effective way to fill in the shelf completely and to build an impressive library. To amplify the impression of traditional library we favour to introduce the Book series. The Books in series would have a number of features in common and would share the same style, but there would be the titles variation. The simplest way of presenting the series would be by numbering only, eg. Volume I, Vol. II, etc. This smart solution applies to our Panels as well as to the Binders and Holders. This manoeuvre prevents the artificial look of neighbouring exactly same size Books.